Sunday, June 24, 2018

Relationships show lots of Truth if we are looking...

Relationships are great reveals in who we and others really are at a specific moment in time. In the early part of all relationships there is a euphoric attachment to the energy exchange and the closer you get the more exciting it becomes. When people begin to show appreciation and love for us then it makes it easier to love ourselves which is our real search. The challenges of relationships are the same ..... as we begin to know each other and see the cracks and flaws that we all carry then it is often hard to accept the reality of relationships. When someone begins to see those ugly parts we work so hard to hide they may reject us, Rejection is our fear because we want to be loved and know how to love ourselves so badly. The immaturity of relationships is in seeking perfection from another being, the perfection is in two peoples choice to love each other, not take from each other due to selfishness. Start picking relationships who understand this process and commit to each other that you will “work hard on yourself for them if they will work hard on themselves for you” there are no perfect relationships except the ones you create perfection within. Be strong enough to remain faithful to the people you invite into your life and you will have lots of incredible relationships. Enjoy the Search - Dugger

Chris Phillips So many times we enter relationships so quickly bc of the euphoric beginnings that the fears come out later in the process. The work done with those fears and the acknowledgment of them is vital to the growth of the relationship. Brene brown talks about the vulnerability in the space and the freedom that comes with it. I love the Dass quote you posted. Truth is scary but we have to face that fear to deepen the relationship to further dive into self love so we can love others. We just can’t give what we don’t have. Thank you for doing this all the time.

The vulnerability part is huge. In order to be so it must be a deliberate action which means we really let people see us. I have know so many people including lots of marriages that never create vulnerability. They never stop acting out an image and really let the other person in. If we do really stop being an image and start being the honest version, the scared version, the unsure version then maybe "they will stop loving me and I might not be able to love myself". Great thought Chris Phillips and I love taking the time to think and examine. Thank you for sharing the ride! 🙏

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