Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Great short on Integrity by Darren Hardy

Where have you sacrificed your integrity to get along with others?
To be accepted, not rock the boat, to conform, etc.?

Think about it, even in the last week…
When was someone gossiping about someone else and you either joined them or said nothing to stop it?

When did you agree to a meeting, a lunch or a knock at the door at the sacrifice of your own priorities and the goals you have to provide for your family?

When did you watch something, listen to something, read something, eat something or drink something, to your detriment, because everyone else was?

When did you lie and sacrifice your integrity yourself?
Did you miss the workout you promised to do, the call you promised to make, the eating discipline you promised to have, the affection you promised to give or the time you promised to be home?

Action for today:
Apologize and forgive yourself for your past transgressions.
But, no more.
Starting today, DO NOT SACRIFICE your integrity, most especially to yourself.

Your Daily Mentor,
-Darren Hardy