Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Old Proverb

An Chinese couple and their son worked on their small piece of field everyday trying to make a living.

One day about 30 horses came past their plot and they captured the horses. The next day the community from the town came to the family and told the old man how happy they are for his good fortune. The old man replied, “If it is a good thing or a bad thing I do not know, I will wait and see what path it takes and what it brings” 

The son then tried to break in the horses, fell and broke his hip. He was crippled by this. The next day the community from the town came to the family and told the old man how sad they are for the bad luck which fell upon his son. The old man replied, “If it is a good thing or a bad thing I do not know, I will wait and see what path it takes and what it brings”. 

A few years later war broke out. All the healthy males were gathered and sent to the frontline. The next day the community from the town came to them and told the old man how happy they are in that his son was not sent to the army. The old man replied, “If it is a good thing or a bad thing I do not know, I will wait and see what path it takes and what it brings” 

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. 
--Helen Keller

Monday, November 26, 2012

Being Thankful is a great game

Giving Thanks

We just celebrated the holiday of Thanksgiving all across the United States and I am sure there were many great things consumed in the process. Turkey and Ham and all of the accouterments that go along with this traditional day of celebration in our country. It made me think back to the creation of this day and where it originated and what I always saw in my minds eye as the Pilgrims and the Indians were sitting down in 1621 to celebrate. There is much that leans back to that time but it seems to have much less with todays holiday than I once to realized. The first "thanksgiving" we often recognize was celebrated by the pilgrims at the end of the first harvest (July) and lasted over 3 days. It was a commonly accepted practice for a community to gather and celebrate thankfulness for the blessings they had received in their lives but was never narrowed to one specific day or another. It might take place at anytime throughout the year as a pause or reflection on that thought which we should remain highly aware of in our lives. As time went on there numerous accounts of "days of thanksgiving" proclaimed by Governors and civic leaders but never on the same day. 

George Washington was the first to acknowledge that we should celebrate such a day in what we now see as our modern day Government of the United States of America in October of 1789 with the following written decree; 

"Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor, and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."

Even with such strong political support it was still not formalized to a specific day but rather a spoken recognition that it should exist for all states and people. I think that there were obviously many fears of imposition by Government considering the past revolutionary war and caution to not dictate or reign over the peoples wishes although the forefathers of our country knew the offer of thanks to be the right thing for the people. As years went on it held some constant concern and Washington again proclaimed it in 1795 to the people, John Quincy Adams issued similar proclamations in 1798 and 1799. No Thanksgiving proclamations were issued by Thomas Jefferson but James Madison renewed the tradition in 1814, in response to resolutions of Congress, at the close of the War of 1812. Madison also declared the holiday twice in 1815; however, none of these was celebrated in autumn. In 1816, Governor Plumer of New Hampshire appointed Thursday, November 14 to be observed as a day of Public Thanksgiving and Governor Brooks of Massachusetts appointed Thursday, November 28 to be "observed throughout that State as a day of Thanksgiving". A Thanksgiving Day was annually appointed by the governor of New York from 1817. In some of the Southern States, there was opposition to the observance of such a day on the ground that it was a relic of Puritanic bigotry, but by 1858 proclamations appointing a day of thanksgiving were issued by the governors of 25 states and two territories. Finally in 1863 it was Abraham Lincoln that created the actual proclamation by our Federal Government that we should see the 4th Thursday of every November as a day of Thanks.

But do we?

I can remember my entire life full of these holidays and do not ever remember being taught the truest meaning of "giving" and "thanks" when placed together. Do not get me wrong my family was full of good people who were well meaning. We always said grace over the food prior to engorging ourselves, watching the cowboys only to slip quietly off into our respective food comas. Eventually to wake up and wander back to the table full of plenty make a turkey sandwich and repeat the same process. I can remember for days after wards looking forward to Turkey sandwiches until after two or three days there had been so much turkey that you were happy that the next Thanksgiving was a full year away!

As I grow in life I find myself reflecting more and more on the meaning of so many things and this again was one of them. I love the celebration that takes place with lots of people and friends but I enjoy more the peace of just being and learning what thanks is all about. I was talking with a friend of mine this morning and we discussed the 3 stages of life by Andrew Carnegie. Learn all you can in the first 3rd of your life, Earn all you can in the Second Third of your life and Give all you can with the last Third of your life. Carnegie was great at all three especially from a financial point. I think there should be more emphasis placed upon the wisdom he earned in the first and second portions of his life but it is not our natural tendency to do so. We saw the 480 million he accumulated in 1901 and gave away all but 30 million before his death and that is an easy number to count. I think there is just as much worth, if not more, to the struggles in knowledge he gained in accumulating his fortune. I think to understand how to give of ourselves in our lives is our greatest accomplishment. I told my friend Jim as we discussed the subject that there is a 4th phase in my opinion and that is to find peace with the mark you have left and transfer that responsibility of giving to someone else. 

But How?

In order to successfully complete each phase of life we must first learn to give thanks. In order to learn this lesson, which is tough when we are young and impetuous, we must be thankful for the opportunities we have (all of them). In order to get the most from this phase finding out how to be thankful for each challenge, for each struggle, for our lack of understanding. This is the foundation for a great life! It seems to be easy when we have enough money, knowledge and comforts that we all desire each day but to start the path of life and learn thankfulness in spite of whatever circumstances we have is the greatest knowledge of all. This is the most necessary component that carries over your entire life. It will not matter if you start your life with a great family behind you, with a plethora of perceived opportunity and a great university to launch from or if you start as a lone ranger fighting to find the food for your next meal and not having the luxury of a family to help get you started. In fact it sometimes could even be considered a tougher truth to find when we have too much comfort starting out in life verses when we have to find the comfort by creating it out of an absolute need. I have seen great lives lived by people who grew up in homes filled with love and opportunity and support and I have seen great lives lived by those who grew up with so little in life because they had to start and be responsible for all outcomes because there was no backup plan. The so called "chains of poverty" created names like Lincoln, Walton, Dyer, Ford, Carnegie and that list can go on forever. You can also learn to be thankful and come from a stable family with financial security like Roosevelt, Hill, Gates, Washington and again the list goes on forever as well. 

So what is the difference?

Knowing how to play the game of life. Knowing how to PLAY the game of life! Being thankful for the opportunity to get up and breathe and think and live and give creates the foundation for learning that always yields to great earnings. The more we study this equation the more we find at our core the test of knowing how to be thankful at all times. I have known and seen many people create some really cool things with their lives but the greatest test is when we face adversity of all kinds, How do we choose to respond? Our responses are directly linked to the foundation we learned in the first phase. 

Although this foundation we are building never ceases to grow and that is something I am very thankful for. Even when I may have missed some of the learning I should have in my life to build this foundation life continues to yield opportunity which gives me a choice to make again. Do I find the value and appreciation in this new opportunity or the fear and frustration in the next "chapter" I face. 

I see this game more and more clearly in life and it is about my yielding to life's circumstances knowing that every measure has a great teaching waiting to be learned. I think the greater we understand this absolute appreciation the more we will Learn and Earn in wealth but more especially in Wisdom. The third phase of dispensation or giving it away can easily be attached to sharing of money and finances but the greater gift is the knowledge you have learned in life to be a better you. The more focused we remain on being better at being us the more we will be able to give and I think that this phase is increasingly full of being thankful. This is a point where our lives are becoming so focused on the real meaning of life which is to share with others and give to others that our appreciation for life and all it brings just naturally sores upwards. 

I love reading and learning of history and it repeats so often the same lessons and knowledge of those who have learned before us and it is without question the easiest way to succeed. Copy what has worked before. I love that our nations leaders and founders knew this truth so well to keep it alive as a constant reminder that we should give thanks. They took the time to dedicate day after day, year after year, proclamation after proclamation to tell the people they could to be thankful as it is the key to life. I love that we formalized this process in 1863 but I love even more when we go back to the roots of this history and found out that it was not a specific day but rather a way of life. It was not centered on food or football but simply an appreciation for the life we have and ALL that it brings, Strong harvest, weak harvest or no harvest the key to life is in being thankful for all that it brings. The 3 phases Carnegie spoke of are all maximized by our ability to be thankful. 

Learn all you can and be thankful for the package it comes in no matter how it is wrapped.

Earn all you can in wisdom and wealth and be thankful that these accumulations will be your gifts to others while you are alive.

Give all you can and be thankful for the opportunity to share what you have gained in life.

Each phase is successful if you are thankful. The fourth phase is one I am not in yet, where I personally see our life is coming to terms with why you were here on earth and what you were here to accomplish. It is about us then giving that mantle of responsibility to those behind you in order to leave it a little better than we found it. This phase becomes a celebration for thanks for a life well lived and peacefulness at knowing what we have fulfilled. Know what you are thankful for today and then choosing to be reminded of it daily is the only way to succeed in life and each phase. Enjoy your day, your learning, your earnings and your givings these are the greatest gifts also known as Charity. Never give to get but all receiving certainly starts with giving.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you this afternoon!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quotes to read weekly by Peter Thomas....

The Purpose of my life is to love and share my light, be a leader of the world, enjoy the experience, the journey. Lead, educate and inspire where ever I go.

What would I do today if it were my last day on earth? Go for a bicycle ride! Go for a Harley Ride; Go for a picnic, go for a walk; go for a boat ride?

What would I do today if I received news that it was my last year on earth?
Plan a trip to a place I have not been?

“Today I’m going to love my life and what the new day brings”

The Convergence of circumstances

To Whom Much is Given, Much is required

George Bush said he heard the young kids in Rwanda say “God is Good – All the Time”. His philosophy is, Freedom, Markets work, You can spend your money better than the government
George said to his girls, there is nothing you can do to stop me from loving you, so stop trying

I would like to be half the man my dog thinks I am

Check plans and activities daily to see what else I can do or change that will be more fun, more exciting, create more passion

Lots of people have money, lots of people have time, lots of people have good health, very few have all three if you are one of these blessed people are you living your life up to its full potential?

“Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory,”

Bersharet – It is meant to be

Satchel Paige –“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?”

The Right Place; The right time – all the time

Rita and I have as our assets (1) Our Love(2)Enough Money(3) Our Health. What are we doing with these assets and what more can we do? Exercise, Movies, Read, Visit nice people, Take educational courses, Dance, Dogs‘

In Business you get what you want by giving others what they want

Getting old is not for sissies – Bette Davis 1908 – 1989

Greatification -- The process of becoming great by following the five foundations and living in alignment with them.

Passion drives Vision; Vision drives Purpose

Remember the average worrier is 92% inefficient – only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true

Disintermediation-cutting out the middle man

I had the blues because I had no shoes, until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet

As hire As Bs hire Cs; good question is “What is the greatest misconception about you?”

Beware of the articulate incompetent,

Walk a hour by yourself,

why the Indian rain dance works, they dance till it rains,

Everything happens for a reason, nothing has any meaning except the meaning you give it, on the other side of tremendous frustrations  is tremendous success

Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets

Envision, create and believe in your own universe, and the universe will form around you

Delegate at work, at play at home

Do what I do best and drop the rest

Know when to say no

Set limits

Protect my personal time by putting it on calendar

Work with people I like

Set timetables for tasks

Story of Shaq O’Neil worked with his jump shot forget the rest- He was best at the jump shot so they felt he wasted time trying to improve all other shots and only focused on his best shot

Work only with those who are receptive to what you are trying to do

Work only on things that will make a great deal of difference If I succeed

Liquidity event

The most important part of the word 'imagination' is "image." As in, what is your "self-image?"

If you are not “in” over your head, you are not “in” at all

Monday, November 12, 2012

It is up to me

Walking or Skipping the Chance?

I was listening this morning as I took a long walk to a audio book that I want to share some thoughts from but before I do I would like to prelude that discussion with another focused on my “long walk”. I have for years been taught to stay active and busy as this is the best way to “get things done”. The more I experience in life the more I question the sanctity of this thought process. I find little value in my cerebellum regarding walking as exercise so then what purpose does it serve? This has often been my question. A jog, a run, sprints; biking all of these have exercise value I have often realized and therefore I opted for one of these as part of my morning routine. I enjoy the solitude of the items I mention above because it is a great time for me to get more done by listening to great authors and teachers on my iPhone. I have learned some great things while biking around the lake from Wayne Dyer, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn and many of the like.

Opposed to the fact that I have always struggled with running as a form of exercise unless it is in playing a game. The adrenalin of the sole activity of running has never been enough to mask the pain I feel throughout my body when running in the mornings. As my body slowly awakes running often reminds me of each and every joint that has not come fully awake yet and the pain overrides the pleasure I hear many enjoy. Awaking in the morning to play basketball, tennis or ultimate has never been as much of an issue and I think that may be because I really lock in on the competitive aspect more so than when I am running alone.

I love finding the routine, which was interrupted a lot this year by travel, where I can find myself awaking to a new day and starting it in the basics of building me. A large part of this basic routine was then biking and listening to audio as I mentioned earlier but recently I discovered something by accident with the simple changing of the seasons. A few weeks ago I awoke in the morning for a bike ride and just as I took off down the street towards the lake by my house I realized something had changed over night. The air had turned brisk and summer was truly giving way to fall and with the lack of gear I was wearing this made my face and hands bitterly cold. I am sure all of you have experienced the same phenomenon where the cold wind almost feels like small needles being poked at you as it hits the parts uncovered from riding quickly through the wind. At that very moment on this new fall morning I made an executive decision to turn around and go park the bike. The question I had now was what to do? I could go play Basketball but then no audio book time in the morning. I was puzzled and then decided to go for a walk. It would seem like a simple decision but if you were watching me from above I began out the gate and then paused to question the value of this time verses a strong bike ride. I made this stuttered approach toward my street several times before relenting to just move on and start the walk. I was walking down the street about a mile or so while listening to an audio presentation when coincidentally the speaker began to explore knowing how to slow down and enjoy life. Questioning if people truly understood watching the things around them and being a part of the world they live in or asking if we were all just moving to quickly to notice it. He brought up the simplest things liking watching the wind hit the trees, or the grass grow and of course beyond to the point of truly being aware of the people around us. I began to think that this morning was ordained for me to slow down and see some things a little differently when I remembered something I had read in the past.

It was a quote from President Harry S. Truman when he was heard to say “Take a two mile walk every day before breakfast” That’s it, pure and simplistic in nature. I remember even doing a talk one time, not on the literal interpretation of taking a walk but more on the understanding we are never to busy to slow down. The story of Harry Truman was a unique one because I love history and knowing some of his background this quote meant so much more. It was Harry Truman who was elected to the office of President of the United States at a very critical time in history. It should be enough for all of us to see the demands this office has on every individual that enters it. It is a common occurrence that every individual who holds the office of POTUS ends up turning to grey hair at a very expedited rate after securing the position. I have seen this over and over enough to realize that the daily demand and pressure of the office is something I cannot completely understand.

In addition the term that Truman served was during the second world war and the office of POTUS has long since been recognized to be a prominent leader responsible for the allied decisions made during both world wars. It is a secondary burden I cannot imagine of holding the office to begin with but then being expected to go far beyond the boundaries of the United States and make decisions that would have impact on the world at large and all of its citizens. I would think that demand for his attention to daily matters and challenges would be among the greatest of any position imaginable.

There was a third component that I remember reading of which made me ponder that much more. I remember reading of the deteriorated state of the White House during Truman’s presidency and it was in such disrepair it would require a complete restoration. In the second week of his family occupying the home it was my understanding that while listening to their daughter practice piano the Truman family watched the piano slip through the rotten second floor and they were evacuated to live across the street in the Blair house for safety.

Harry Truman took this omen as a responsibility that he should reconstruct the house that represented the history of a nation. He oversaw daily construction while they completely gutted the original fixture. It was at this time that he had the foresight to imagine the entire complex of the west wing and the subterranean structure we now know as the modern day white house. Although it is not of public record it is said that if you could lift the entire white house complex out of the ground you would find that it runs six stories deep under that which we all recognize from street level at Pennsylvania Avenue. There were many photographs of Harry Truman personally managing in a hard hat to determine the construction of a national symbol. There was a need to move heavy operating equipment inside the hollowed out structure to complete the job. Truman was said to have dictated that the “four original walls” would not be disturbed. They literally were said to have dismantled the heavy equipment, bolt by bolt, to be used only after reassembling inside the structure. It was a task of mammoth proportion, which only looks smaller when you add it to the day-to-day operations of being the President of the United States. Oh and that other small task of being the daily commander and Chief of the Allied forces in World War 2 in which he made the decision to drop the atom bomb.

Thinking of all he truly had on his plate and then somehow his quote came back to me on this day while walking. “Take a two mile walk every day before breakfast”. I started realizing it was literal and I needed to make time to be slow in my life. To see the world I am living in and to not allow it to sweep me up inside of each days activities.

I started focusing on walking in silence and walking and listening and then realized this fall will definitely be one to remember in my life. That morning I took a walk several miles long and it was really quiet outside and as I watched and listened there was a really cool peace that came over me. I listened to Chopra talk about learning to find yourself only takes place when you are willing to leave the shallow waters and move into the deepest part of the ocean that is your life. Then dive, dive deep into the darkest part to search for the pearl of your life that cannot be priced because it is too valuable.

I listened this morning and learned that all that exists in the world only exists as a result of me and my choices and my perceptions.  Does the flower smell sweet if you are not there to smell it? Does the flower feel soft if you are not there to touch it? Knowing that all sensations and realities of life take place within me gives me an amazing amount of power if I will only choose to use it wisely. I am listening again and again to learn that this is what taking time for two-mile walks is all about. I have to know to set aside time in my life to not be in a hurry to get the job done but rather be ready to see what my life really is and should be about. Thank you to Truman, Lincoln, Lee, Aristotle, Chopra, Dyer and many other great leaders for working hard to share these thoughts with me. I am really glad it was too cold to ride my bike that morning!

Ps. I still played Tennis that night ;-)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Burn Bright

A wish that was sent to me by a friend for my Birthday...

" This is the true joy in living.....the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one! The being a force of nature instead of some feverish selfish little clod  of greivances and ailments complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to give back to it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die...for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for it's own sake. Life is no brief candle for me but a rather splendid torch which I want to burn as brightly as possible before passing it on to future generations!!" Burn,Baby, Burn!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Only Rules

By Robin Sharma

In a hot burst of inspiration this morning, I dreamt up 'The Rules for Being Amazing'. 28 instructions to move you to break your chains and live at wow.

I encourage you to read them, debate them, brain tattoo them, share them and most importantly live them. The world needs you at your best.

Stay Amazing,


The Rules for Being Amazing

1.    Risk more than is required.
2.    Learn more than is normal. 
3.    Be strong. 
4.    Show courage.
5.    Breathe. 
6.    Excel. 
7.    Love. 
8.    Lead.
9.    Speak your truth.
10.  Live your values.
11.  Laugh. 
12.  Cry. 
13.  Innovate.
14.  Simplify.
15.  Adore mastery.
16.  Release mediocrity.
17.  Aim for genius.
18.  Stay humble.
19.  Be kinder than expected.
20.  Deliver more than is needed.
21.  Exude passion. 
22.  Shatter your limits.
23.  Transcend your fears. 
24.  Inspire others by your bigness.
25.  Dream big but start small.
26.  Act now.
27.  Don't stop.
28.  Change the world.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2012 Outliers

I thought the following was a great mind bender shared by a friend of mine from the House of Colorado. What sets you a part in 2012?

2006 Household Income Levels:

$150,000 to $199,999


$200,000 to $249,999


$250,000 and above


Only 1.5% of the entire population makes more than $250k in a year (the 2012 # is a little lower) (and fewer than that are solo earners versus “household”, which could include a spouse, for example)

I wonder what they are doing today to create value and achieve that? I wonder how they are approaching THEIR day to be that distinctive; to achieve at a higher level than 98.5% of their fellows?

These stats are often presented under the label “income inequality”.

I’ll just say it: That’s dumb; it reflects the loser’s view of the world. “Income Achievement” would be a far better, and far more accurate, way of thinking about it.

What will we do today that’s different; that justifies and earns a higher level of achievement? Will we train with passion? Will we show up on time? Will we nourish our mind and body? Will we hold our teams and ourselves accountable? Will we do all the above to create an extraordinary level of value in what we deliver to ourselves, our teams, our patients and the community around us?

One thing is for sure: Either you will, or you won’t.

I ask you to say I Will; to believe in yourself, expect the most, and work with passion, discipline and determination each day to make it happen.

It starts now.

Don Beezley

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Questions Instead of Answers?

Questions Instead of Answers?

I am always amazed at how simple the journey of life can be boiled down at times. Our entire lives we are taught to have the answers... 

Get the job done. 
Know what you are talking about. 
Be in control. 
Leaders always win

And the list can go on but I do not want to perpetuate the problem so I will stop there. I too believe that moving yourself into a leadership position can give you greater opportunity but it could be both good or bad!

Your leadership is dependent on the culture of thinking you have adopted. If you are driven to always have the answers and not to feel the angst or pain of life that we all have from questioning the crazy events of life then you are not being authentic. If leaders are not authentic then they will never be good leaders for long. True leaders realize that the journey of life is full of questions of what is right and what is wrong. The beliefs we hold today must be opened to be shaped tomorrow. The journey never ends and that is why it is ok to be frustrated, challenged, angry, scared and all of the other emotions that should come from within as we experience ALL that life has to offer. On the contrary we have been conditioned that life is supposed to work out for us in a manner of perfection in finances, perfection in relationships, perfection in our accomplishments, perfection in us winning. Winning can be just the opposite, it is in the unconditional acceptance of life and what life brings that makes us winners. Embracing challenge and seeing it as opportunity to learn and grow and be honest with others about what you are feeling.

I love the line from Wayne Dyer that simply states "It is now and always was perfect" That simple acceptance of life and what it delivers us can be so empowering! 

Knowing that the good things are perfect is easy. 
Knowing that we do have the right answer for the situation we are in is also easy. 
Knowing that it is perfect when things are going to hell or challenging us in situations we have never been in = NOT so easy!

The statement that accompanied this quote Wayne made in his book Wishes Fulfilled was "the first thing I say when I awake in the morning and return to this consciousness is "THANK YOU" Knowing that the gift of one more day to learn and grow and contribute is truly a blessing. I do not want you to think that by me knowing this truth I have it nailed down. There are many days at the end where I want to run and hide from the challenges of the day. Even worse there are other days that I awake and have to take a mental running start to face what I know I need to face. What I have down at this point in life (that I did not always have at other points) I now know it is ok to ask questions and not have all of the answers.

I grew up thinking that you work hard obtain a position and then you have to have all of the answers to maintain it. I now know that not only do I not have them. I never will. What is even better is that it is great to admit that I am searching for more because that admission is what allows me to find more. The universe will not give more to someone who is sending a clear message that they do not need anything because they already know it all. It is the person who humbles them self in their search for more who continues to receive wisdom. I am so ok now with knowing that I do not have to have all of the answers but rather I have to openly search for all of the answers. The more I can do this the more opportunity I get to learn and gather answers I can share with others.

I am loving knowing that the best thing about life is just truly being me and letting others see a person in search of more so that they can share more. This is what true leadership desires. This is what growth demands. This is what life is about..... 


I encourage everyone reading this to let people truly know you today and do not look to have all of the answers but instead, look to find all of the answers and they will come with the greatest reward of knowledge.

Then you can look at all situations and realize that know matter the outside perceptions of things we encounter as good or bad, we know the truth and that is "It is now and Always was perfect"

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Let it be you! By Jim Rohn

Let It Be You Each and every day, there are people all around the country and world who are living their dreams. Millionaires are made every day. Families are experiencing tremendous relationships. People are becoming more and more healthy. Lifelong learners are growing intellectually and improving their chances for success. The fact is that living the life of your dreams is possible. People prove that every day. Someone somewhere is going to get rich, get healthy and improve their life. My recommendation is this: Let it be you! Have you ever wanted to make more money? Have you ever looked at someone who has money and wished that it could be you? People think about getting wealthy all of the time, when only a small percentage actually does. But any of the masses could. Someone is going to start a business. Someone is going to make a great investment. Someone is going to begin the journey to great wealth. So why not let it be you? Someone is going to decide to improve their relationships. Someone is going to enjoy love with their family. Someone is going to schedule some meaningful time with their friends. So why not let it be you? Someone is going to go back to school to improve their life. Someone is going to become a lifelong learner. Someone is going to set a goal to read a book or listen to a CD each week for the next year. So why not let it be you? Someone is going to look in the mirror and see that they need to lose a little weight and they will make the decision to become healthy. Someone will run their first marathon. Someone will join an aerobics class and improve their health. Why not let it be you? I think that by now you get the point: Every day people are improving their lives. Whether you do or not doesn´t matter to those who do. They are going to do it, regardless. It is simply a matter of a decision being made. Let that person be you! You may be asking, “Okay Jim, but how?” Well, let´s cover the very simple actions. The first and most important is to make a commitment to work on yourself. Are you going to improve or stay the same? No matter what you have achieved, you are at a certain point right now. What you have achieved in the past is fine, but it doesn´t make a difference for the future. The decision about what you will become is made each day and every day. Each day someone is making the decision to better him or herself. Let that person be you! The second is to make a plan. Once you have decided to become better you will have to have a plan. It doesn´t have to be a long, intricate plan. It can be simple. Save a dollar a day. Walk a mile a day. Read an article a day. That is a simple plan with achievable goals. Someone is going to develop a plan that will take them into the future of their dreams. Let it be you! The third is to begin to act. All of the great ideas, without action, become stale and useless. The key to turning dreams into reality is action. People who have great ideas are a dime a dozen. People who act on their dreams and ideas are the select few, but they are the ones who gain the wealth and wisdom that is available. Someone will act today. Let it be you. My encouragement to you is to stop looking at others who live the good life, wishing that you were as well, and instead begin to commit to your improvement, develop a plan and act on it. Someone is going to. Let it be you! Jim Rohn 1930-2009, Author and Speaker

Friday, June 22, 2012

Full Blast Baby!!

"Are you moving forward Full Blast?"

We talk allot about implementation, Drinking the kool-aid, etc... I believe the true question we have to ask ourself today is "Am I playing full out?" Unfortunately for so many of us we have learned in life to walk in distrust, cynicism or simply a "prove it to me first" approach to life. I was sharing with someone recently that the idea of sharing with a child is such a positive experience because of their ability to trust and accept what you tell them without questioning. The opposite frame of mind we are so often surrounded by is truly the product of a society that has learned to be careful due to what they have heard or feel they have learned. The reality is that in spite of the fact that many of us may feel as if we have been "burned" "taken advantage of" "exploited" or whatever phrase you wish to attach to it, we must either learn to trust or face a very difficult path. I can agree with many of you that we have good reasons established in our life that have created these feelings if you can consider that the idea of struggling to change our current reality is worth considering how we achieved these feelings to begin with. I am very fortunate to have lived the life I have, teaching and sharing with so many people that constantly forces me to be introspective. At times I have been accused by my wife of analyzing too much on some things but at this point I cannot help it( nor do I really want to ), it is simply ingrained in me. ;-)

The topic I want you to consider with me today is the one of why do some people succeed so fast at what they attempt  while others struggle constantly to create the same results.    I was speaking with a Doctor recently whom I have known for a number of years and I have been fortunate to see him do some fantastic things in his practice. I truly do respect what he has built in his practice and life and I would consider him to be one of the most virtuous people I have ever known. I have spent years discussing ideals and philosophies with him and if I am ever in need of examination or new ideals in my life I constantly go to him to discuss these issues. As much as I respect him I was recently thinking about why he has not applied many of the strategies in building his practice when I know that he knows them as well as I do. Now please do not get me wrong this man is a dear friend and an INCREDIBLE Doctor. His practice has been very successful and he has managed to save and invest several million dollars through his years of practice and create a very clear picture of how to maintain a very nice existence. My concern is when I think about his knowledge and what he could really have done with the information and talent that was given to him, I cannot help but find myself thinking of how much more he could have done if he chose to push his limit a little further with the knowledge I know he had. In my estimation this was an individual who with his knowledge and discipline should have been able to really change our industry and make a significant mark on Chiropractic as a whole. He has affected many patients lives, he has an incredible family, he is well respected by everyone in his community, I just know he could be even more than he is to so many others. As I take the time to think about the "Question behind the Question" (Book by John Miller) I am insightful enough to know that the primary reason he did not go even further than he did boils down to one thing, him!

It is the same discipline and diligence that made him great at what he does, that caused him to not trust in others enough to allow more opportunity in his life. There have been many years of him not trusting associates, consultants, staff, sales reps, MD's, other DC's and the list goes on forever. It is the fact that I know this that causes me to marvel at what he has created in spite of this weakness. I realize that the same weakness is also accented by incredible strength of discipline and work ethic that helped him create what he has. It is because he did not trust others as much as he trusted himself  he was driven to really make some great things happen because of his ingenuity to perform at a higher level revolving around him. (who loves irony?)

I was recently speaking to a new franchisee who had been in Chiropractic for many, many years. His pedigree as a professional created a very long list of experience, position and  knowledge. It was after speaking with him about how his practice had doubled within two months of joining HealthSource that I had to stop and think about what was it in him that made such a difference. I know that we all need a fresh pair of eyes that can often look into our world and give us their advice. We also need some people who can say we have taken the time to think through your situation and this is the quickest way to achieve your desired result. I know it really helps when those who have had so much experience in creating what we really want to create but what we need the very most is so much simpler, its TRUST!

As I continued speaking with this Doctor it was very revealing to me that with his background and knowledge he shared with me one simple fact that illustrates my point so well. One of the items that HS recommends that he use in his office, he believed that his own document was prepared  much better. Even one of his staff members brought the item to his attention and said I think our form will work better than the one HealthSource gave us. It was in his answer that I was so amazed. His response to his team member was that in all of his years of practicing he had not accomplished what HealthSource had been able to accomplish with their system. If that was what HealthSource said to use he was going to use every single item because he wanted to change his reality. The reason he is growing is simple it is in the fact that he was able to TRUST. At some point as practitioners you have to be able to say I have made a decision and I am moving forward "Full Blast". For so many of the Doctors we work with their decision was made at Discovery Day (their first introduction to HealthSource), where they accepted this is what they wanted and they were going to implement. For so many others the decision was initially made but with reservations as they start the path of change. The direction that we are attempting to give them, the system we are attempting to implement with them, The Leadership we are trying to get them to work with are critical to achieving the results they want. The results and success of HealthSource as a whole are far superior to anything I have ever heard of in Chiropractic and I am very thankful to be a part of it.

For EVERYONE today I implore you...

Break down the walls, Remove the inhibitions, Learn to start trusting and start moving forward FULL BLAST!

And Last but not least If you are not currently getting the results you want, start asking the "Question behind the Question"  What do I need to do different to get the results I want? Do not confuse this question with what can my Staff do different? or What can HS do different? or What can the whole world do different? but Instead...

What do I need to do different to get the results I want?

Brian Dugger