I have spent the last week holding many meetings but the best of all was our Company leadership meeting. Regional Developers from all over the country flew in To Cleveland OH to discuss the next opportunities we have to keep moving our organization forward. We have had these meetings for years but this meeting was different and I started thinking about why?
As I was speaking on the first day of our meeting in the morning I was going to prepare everyone for our special guest who was going to be speaking most of the day. We had spent a large sum to fly in a consultant on company growth. He was going to spend the bulk of the day teaching us the Mechanics and Systems we should be entertaining to create a larger footprint on Chiropractic in order to reach more Doctors. I have already seen some of the results from his theories and I was excited for him to be able to speak to the ownership team.
I was also a little concerned that our entire meeting would be focused on the operations and I just wanted to make sure we got more from it on this occasion.

Do not get me wrong I am very thankful to have been a part of a company recognized by Inc 500, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, Economic Report etc etc etc.........
The challenge has been that as things were changing (and they are ALWAYS changing) I was losing sight of what was important! I had become so caught up in the duties I had to get done that burn out was setting in quickly. I am fortunate enough that I have built up certain routines and systems in my personal life to keep feeding me ideas to prevent these occurrences so that even when I am in "TILT" mode I am still following a schedule that is sure to lead me out of my personal funk eventually because I have planned to remain open to hear.
Things we have on our personal calendars insure this like....
When do we read?
When do we recite personal affirmations?
When do we exercise?
When do we give to others?
When do we dream?
When do we journal?
When do we listen to great thinkers so we are educated?
ALL of these items must be placed on a calendar if you expect to accomplish them in the course of what is always a very busy life. It was in the course of me following my planned schedule that I started coming back to life. It was also in the course of reading when I found the next paragraph which quoted the founding President and COO of Ritz Carlton Hotels Mr. Horste Schultze.....
"You are nothing unless it comes from your heart. Passion, caring, really looking to create excellence. If you perform functions only and go to work only to do processes, then you are effectively retired. And it scares me - most people I see, by age 28 are retired!"
I realized I had been doing what I was doing to complete my task list and that is why I was getting so frustrated with my daily existence. It was also in a consult call where I was trying to help someone else that I realized my focus needed to be less about me and more about others I am talking to.
Amazing Realization??
I would not think so since I have heard Zig Ziglar say "You can have anything you want if you can help enough other people get what they want"
I would not think so since I have heard Jim Rohn say that "Giving is the beginning of all receiving"
We do not give to get but if you are not in an attitude of giving then you are not in a position of receiving. The more I determine what I should focus on to be giving with every waking moment of my life the more I am receiving without even thinking about it. My attitude has shifted so much in this year and my reward is already present in knowing that this is without any doubt the best year I have ever lived!!
It is amazing to me that I have spent so long looking for answers and the answers were always there and yet I still fell into so much frustration. Then it came to me that Frustration is a great thing. Frustration is an internal response to an external event. If it is an internal response it is a choice. That tells me in all reality Frustration is good because it is a sign that you need to make change in order to make the choices you should be making.
A choice? Then why on earth would I want to make a choice that would create negatives in my life?
It was earlier last week when I was listening to a CD by John Maxwell (Good personal calendar item would be listening to audio from positive achievers) and on this CD John quoted W. Clement Stone who gave the formula for success....
E + R = O
Event plus Response equals Outcome!
This was the same thing I had been thinking about this year when it came to my own frustrations was that it was only my internal response that counted. Events, Situations, Problems, Change, Opportunities..whatever you want to call them, they are going to happen until you die!!!
The only thing that matters is how we respond to them!!
In spite of the event that takes place have the fortitude to meet the circumstance with a deliberate and chosen response. If you choose the right response the outcome is sure to be favorable!!
This is where it took a great turn for me because all of the pieces started to come together when I realized the following.....
I want to do the right thing. I want to get the right result. I want to see the right outcome. So why do I not always have the right response?
The answer is I get away from doing the things that make me happiest and the things that keep feeding my desire to do whats right!
I started with 3 things to get back on track..
First I realized why I do what I do PURPOSE
I began to remember the opportunity I had to make a difference in the people around me. Sounds simple but it is a major motivator for me to concentrate on helping others learn what I am learning and share what I have had success with. My Purpose is to make a difference with each year I live in as many peoples lives as I can affect. 2011 brought great opportunity for me to do this the more I focused on fulfilling this desired obligation.
Second I followed the advice of Dr. John Demartini and many others who have advocated for us to list out the 4 THINGS we are really good at and enjoy doing!
Mine were to Lead, Communicate, Inspire and Create.
Anything on my Task list that did not center on Leading, Inspiring, Communicating and Creating needed to be delegated to someone else. Many have told me that you have many people working for you that you can "delegate" to. That may be so but every person has the opportunity to focus on their 4 major things and look for ways to stay inside their wheel house meaning their place of enjoyment. If we can all identify these areas and work inside of them our production is sure to go through the roof!!
Finally the best way I could find to remain conscious of my purpose was to follow a PERSONAL CALENDAR (road map) to make sure I do not lose sight of how to achieve success. If I preschedule the items in my life I know I need daily and are going to lead me to succeed I win.
I loved this meeting just as I have loved all of this year because once again served as a reminder that we do what we do to fulfill a purpose. We must know the why behind the what. Money/ Reward/ Outcome is the sum of an equation. If you want the sum of an equation to be higher then change the equation!!
Whatever we focus our lives on we are sure to see as a result. I want to focus on success and to me that is in helping other people achieve their goals. If I can do this well I can certainly be assured to achieve my goals in the process.
Action Steps;
Set specific Goals
Write the steps out to reach those goals
Use this as an affirmation that say to yourself TWICE each day
Build a Personal Calendar which feeds you
Follow that calendar
List your 4 Things you love to do
Concentrate your life around those 4 items and Delegate the rest!!
All dreams and goals are possible through discipline so lets choose to be disciplined and make a difference in the people around us today!!
After we remembered our Purpose and discussed these items we started our meeting with our Guest Speaker and it was a great two days as we stay focused on building something bigger!
If you want to share these excerpts with others I am now posting certain items to duggsblog.com for a continued outlet for success! Check out this link to Mr. Jim Rohn on standing guard for your mind..
Make the Most of Today!!!
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