We talk allot about implementation, Drinking the kool-aid, etc... I believe the true question we have to ask ourself today is "Am I playing full out?" Unfortunately for so many of us we have learned in life to walk in distrust, cynicism or simply a "prove it to me first" approach to life. I was sharing with someone recently that the idea of sharing with a child is such a positive experience because of their ability to trust and accept what you tell them without questioning. The opposite frame of mind we are so often surrounded by is truly the product of a society that has learned to be careful due to what they have heard or feel they have learned. The reality is that in spite of the fact that many of us may feel as if we have been "burned" "taken advantage of" "exploited" or whatever phrase you wish to attach to it, we must either learn to trust or face a very difficult path. I can agree with many of you that we have good reasons established in our life that have created these feelings if you can consider that the idea of struggling to change our current reality is worth considering how we achieved these feelings to begin with. I am very fortunate to have lived the life I have, teaching and sharing with so many people that constantly forces me to be introspective. At times I have been accused by my wife of analyzing too much on some things but at this point I cannot help it( nor do I really want to ), it is simply ingrained in me. ;-)
The topic I want you to consider with me today is the one of why do some people succeed so fast at what they attempt while others struggle constantly to create the same results. I was speaking with a Doctor recently whom I have known for a number of years and I have been fortunate to see him do some fantastic things in his practice. I truly do respect what he has built in his practice and life and I would consider him to be one of the most virtuous people I have ever known. I have spent years discussing ideals and philosophies with him and if I am ever in need of examination or new ideals in my life I constantly go to him to discuss these issues. As much as I respect him I was recently thinking about why he has not applied many of the strategies in building his practice when I know that he knows them as well as I do. Now please do not get me wrong this man is a dear friend and an INCREDIBLE Doctor. His practice has been very successful and he has managed to save and invest several million dollars through his years of practice and create a very clear picture of how to maintain a very nice existence. My concern is when I think about his knowledge and what he could really have done with the information and talent that was given to him, I cannot help but find myself thinking of how much more he could have done if he chose to push his limit a little further with the knowledge I know he had. In my estimation this was an individual who with his knowledge and discipline should have been able to really change our industry and make a significant mark on Chiropractic as a whole. He has affected many patients lives, he has an incredible family, he is well respected by everyone in his community, I just know he could be even more than he is to so many others. As I take the time to think about the "Question behind the Question" (Book by John Miller) I am insightful enough to know that the primary reason he did not go even further than he did boils down to one thing, him!
It is the same discipline and diligence that made him great at what he does, that caused him to not trust in others enough to allow more opportunity in his life. There have been many years of him not trusting associates, consultants, staff, sales reps, MD's, other DC's and the list goes on forever. It is the fact that I know this that causes me to marvel at what he has created in spite of this weakness. I realize that the same weakness is also accented by incredible strength of discipline and work ethic that helped him create what he has. It is because he did not trust others as much as he trusted himself he was driven to really make some great things happen because of his ingenuity to perform at a higher level revolving around him. (who loves irony?)
I was recently speaking to a new franchisee who had been in Chiropractic for many, many years. His pedigree as a professional created a very long list of experience, position and knowledge. It was after speaking with him about how his practice had doubled within two months of joining HealthSource that I had to stop and think about what was it in him that made such a difference. I know that we all need a fresh pair of eyes that can often look into our world and give us their advice. We also need some people who can say we have taken the time to think through your situation and this is the quickest way to achieve your desired result. I know it really helps when those who have had so much experience in creating what we really want to create but what we need the very most is so much simpler, its TRUST!
As I continued speaking with this Doctor it was very revealing to me that with his background and knowledge he shared with me one simple fact that illustrates my point so well. One of the items that HS recommends that he use in his office, he believed that his own document was prepared much better. Even one of his staff members brought the item to his attention and said I think our form will work better than the one HealthSource gave us. It was in his answer that I was so amazed. His response to his team member was that in all of his years of practicing he had not accomplished what HealthSource had been able to accomplish with their system. If that was what HealthSource said to use he was going to use every single item because he wanted to change his reality. The reason he is growing is simple it is in the fact that he was able to TRUST. At some point as individuals we have to be able to say I have made a decision and I am moving forward "Full Blast". For so many of you the decision was made at when you said you wanted to join HealthSource, take your new Job, enter into that relationship, you accepted this is what you wanted and you were going to take advantage and make it work. For so many others the decision was made but with reservations as you start the path of change, the direction that you are attempting to take, the system you are attempting to implement with, the task you decided to accept is still in a limbo stage.
It is the stage of I will make the most of this opportunity "IF"!
I will accomplish greatness "WHEN"
The people you allow in your life are critical to you achieving the results you want. The decisions you make to commit yourself to a task or opportunity should be made with intention to "just do it"! Make great choices based upon the results you see and the instincts you have, Surround yourself with people who are striving to create more with their lives. Always remain challenged but play full out! Do not walk to wards your commitments but rather RUN!!!
The decision to trust in the choices you make will make you more powerful in all you do. It takes overcoming fear and inhibitions. It takes vulnerability to let people in. It takes trusting others enough to let them really know you and hear you but your difference in life results will be worth all it takes.

And Last but not least If you are not currently getting the results you want, start asking the "Question behind the Question" What do I need to do different to get the results I want? Do not confuse this question with What can others do different? or What can the government do different? or What can the whole world do different? but Instead...
What do I need to do different to get the results I want?
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